The Telescope is finished and has been released on Newgrounds. Im yet to put it up onto Youtube because of problems with the internet at home, which is inconsistent at best. Drop outs aren't particularly helpful when uploading large video files. The film was relatively well received, personally, I was just glad to finally get it released, I didn't want it to become my own personal Duke Nukem Forever.
So what am I working on next? Well I will get to that, right after some new piccies.
This was a piece of Fanart for the music video for the Gotye song Eyes Wide Open I actually started when I first moved to Melbourne, then I forgot about it but I found it again the other night and decided to finish it off. His next single is coming out next month and im really looking forward to seeing what neat animation he will have to go along side it.
Im not entirely sure what this is, I had been going through a bunch of old illustrations and cleaning them up. I think it was originally a piece of concept art for Out There.
These were just some odd little alien concepts I had several months ago, once again just vectored versions of some old drawings.
And lastly a picture of Gerkinman I threw together last night, I really want to be able to better use the brushes in Flash, and this was a little test to see if I could get my lines a bit less wobbly. Why do I want to do this? Several years ago me and my friend Hayden Fryer who is best known for a small press comic series called Billy Demon Slayer decided we were going to make a comic cross over. At the time I was working on my own comic which was released in 2 volumes simply called Nimbin. A long time passed and nothing happened, but I feel within myself now that The Telescope is finished this is the perfect time to start the project up again. Gerkinman as a character has been sitting around doing nothing for a long time now and I think its time to reboot him and get him back out into the public eye. So I guess thats my new big project, a graphic novel of sorts. It sure has been a while. Its a shame making it look like the piece of concept art from 2008 below would take too long and cost a bajillion dollars to print.