Anyway, so first is first, my app is coming along well, ive paid for my iOS Developer Membership, just waiting for my certificate now which I hear can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 weeks, ive been waiting for a couple of days now so who knows when it will arrive in my inbox. That hasn't slowed me down tho, not by a long shot. You can see in the next few images the progress from a sketch to final interactive piece, the blue squares in the centre obviously hovering over interactive elements. The text will be interactive too, but thats still a little ways off as im not sure as to what will be the most practical way of doing it.
I really want to focus more on character interaction then making little games that take a moment or two to finish and leave children with no desire to go back and play them again. Maybe im approaching it all wrong but I just feel like kids are smarter then that and really, would find interacting with the characters and environments more engaging then dragging a couple of objects around or some other super simple puzzle.
Aside from that, not much has been happening the last few days, put in for a few jobs, waiting for word tomorrow wether or not we got we got the home we applied for, all that fun stuff.
Heres a bunch of photos of Melbourne ive taken over the last few days, no real reason, just addicted to taking photos I suppose.
Love the contrast of lush trees and buildings in the CBD.
I found these clouds interesting while we were house hunting yesterday.
I found this sign in a park in Altona Meadows, i think it means that Dogs stand still while people walk in the park, i dunno, that dog sure as hell isn't going anywhere and that man is going to trip over him if he doesn't watch out.
I also found this in a JB, what the hell am i looking at? Who is this guy? What do you do in this game? Why was there 7 preowned copies? I guess they were all traded in xmas presents. How would you feel if you unwrapped a gift only to see that guy laughing at you?
I haven't been into this place yet but if the sign is anything to go off its probably the coolest place ever.
Also worth noting are these sushi rolls, they were amazing, from a place called Shuji Sushi in Hawthorn, my girlfriend had a bento box that was equally amazing, if your ever in the area be sure to check it out.