I mentioned in my previous post that i was working on something for iOS, and this is true, I have been. I dont want to go into to many details but im more then happy to post up some screens. Its being built in Flash CS5 since obviously thats as far as my coding knowledge goes, how it will run, well, i guess we will see when i start testing it. In the mean time heres the title screen, you can see the thought process behind it, or at least I think you can?
What a cheerful fellow. Hopefully I will have the first fully interactive page finished tomorrow, how exciting.
In other goings on, me and my partner have been house hunting, in fact thats what we spent most of yesterday doing. Before we got started we popped into a small cafe in Yarraville for breakfast.
I had this gorgeous home made Steak Bacon and Cheese pie, the pastry was amazing.
And I quickly followed it with what I think could have been the best Fruit Flan I have ever eaten, the pastry was perfect and the glaze was just, so good. Id recommend the place but I have forgotten what it was called...
Yarraville also has some funky seats around, no real reason, just to look neat I suppose.
The first home we checked out was in Footscray.
It was quite small for a 2 bedroom apartment, especially for the asking price.
Had a good view off the balcony tho. It was on the 4th floor, carrying furniture and groceries up there, no thanks.
It was also right next to an ambulance centre, so im sure you would hear sirens all night.
The next place we visited was in West Footscray, me and my partner both absolutely loved it and amazingly only one other person showed up to check the place out. It had polished timber floors and more space then I would know what to do with, I couldn't take any photos inside because the tenants were still moving out, but the outside was just as nice.
Just so lush and green.
Neat old garage out the back too.
Also worth noting is this place down the road.
Now im not entirely sure what the story is but these bricks protrude out more then other bricks, and they are also colored differently, is this supposed to show burglars how to get to the rooms upstairs?
We had a look at another place after this one but heaps of people showed up so I didn't take any photos, it was brand new but didn't have any real character.
We are going to spend pretty much all of tomorrow looking at new homes too, heres hope we find something soon.
On a side note, im currently redesigning my blog, it was looking a little boring. So expect some visual changes over the next few days.
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