With a sweep of the sword, a blood red sunrise
Its been another big and productive week. I couldn't tell you how many banner ads I churned out this week, but I can tell you it wasn't a small number. Even outside of work I have had a rather large week creative wise.
First up here is a vector piece. I did the original drawing probably around 6 months ago while I was still in Brisbane, during a lunch break. Only now have I got the time to vector it, with most of the line art done during my lunch break at work. Managed to finish it this morning because thats what weekends are for.
Also during my lunch breaks this week I finished this little piece, which I posted the pencil sketch for last week.
Also today since I had the time I created a facebook page just for Gerkinman himself. He needed a profile pic so I quickly threw this together.
I also manage to finish the single longest scene in The Telescope this week, now that its finished Im hoping the rest of the film flies by, since few scenes are longer then 3 seconds.
I've also done quite a bit of doodling this week.
This first one is going to be turned into the poster for The Telescope, ill be using it to promote the film a week before it comes out.
And this image here is some concept art for the Gerkinman film I've been wanting to make for years, still going over concepts for the film in my head.
These last 2 aren't really anything in particular.
In non animation / illustration related news.
I saw a tram collision last Friday, that was sort of exciting, if only because it meant I could walk all over the road without worrying about traffic. It felt rather surreal since that day was largely spent running around the rooftops in Crysis 2...
Me and my partner also went to the comedy festival last week, we ended up parking on top of a building, was 4 or 5 stories. Took some snaps since its not often you can see all the buildings around you from half way up.
And as the sun sets in the afternoon sky, so does it set on my blog.
Good post man - lot of good stuff :)