And what a month it has been, turns out a lot can happen in a month. I managed to put a bunch of new shorts out, a couple of illustrations, recorded commentaries for all the Nimbin episodes and The Telescope with Mark Schnieder (animator of the original series). And also managed to loose my job. A lot can change in a month.
But lets start at the beginning. Shorts, animated of course.
So there is a thing thats been going on down here called Loop De Loop where animators all get together and make a little animated loop that gets screened at the Loop Bar here in Melbourne at the end of the month. So far I have contributed to all 3.
Starting off with March we had the theme of "launch". I created this loop which I call "Planet Hopping"
Junes theme was "Opposites". I restarted my loop more times then I care to count. Originally it was an old man on a banjo and young kid on a keyboard playing Dueling Banjos. That didn't work out so I animated a giant mouse chasing a little elephant, but that didn't come out how I wanted it either. So after talking to my dad about it he started talking about "The Amazing Shrinking Man" and somehow my first ever experiment with photo cuts outs was born. I called it Big Fly because I wasn't feeling all that creative after spending the night on this. The night before the due date that is.
Then we came to July, this months theme was "Monsters". Strait off the back of The Big Fly I decided to give photo cut out animation a go. Inspired by any number of Cyriaks works. Crowned "Eat Da Moon".
Lastly, I finally put The Telescope up on youtube, because its a bigger video I had some problems a long the way, but It got there in the end, and with remastered audio. Check it out if you haven't already.
And then we have some new illustrations.
Heres some fan art for Billy Demon Slayer
And some concept art for the new Gerkinman series!
Sadly, as mentioned above, its not all good news. I no longer work at NDS Creative, and its back to freelancing for me. I did a short contract today and hopefully I will have more in the future. Fingers crossed aye. Ill keep you posted!
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