Friday, November 18, 2011

The Wizard Turns On...

Boy oh boy what a busy week. Freelanced on Monday. Played a bunch of Skyrim. Got my new loop finished. Oh hey yeah! The loop, thats a good way to start this post.

So the theme for this months Loopdeloop was "Condoms". I had originally gone through a number of ideas before I settled on my final concept. Its not exactly what I set out to make but people seem to be enjoying it. I haven't made anything video game related in a number of years now so it was rather refreshing.

If you want to vote you can make your way over here. The name Super Cock Joke Bros. came a from a follow up project to my short film Cock Joke Solid which I released a number of years ago.

I had planned for a while to make a whole series of cock based video game parodies. Im glad I bailed on that idea tho.

In other news I've been working on the new episode of Nimbin/Gerkinman. Im still not sure which name I will be releasing the series under. Funny how deciding on a name is proving far harder then any of the animation. Hopefully I will have some screens worth sharing next week.

Something else I have been working on and can share is the remastered version of my cartoon "Down at McDonalds".

Originally released in 2008 and animated in a single afternoon, "Down at McDonalds" was based on a story from a work mate, about one day when he was on ecstasy and went to a toilet in McDonalds and swore Ronald McDonald slid under the door and started to lick his leg. Being drawn to that sort of bizarre tale as I am, I had no choice but to make it into a film. So I did. Its something that, for the time I made it in, Im still quite happy with, but that doesn't mean I dont feel like it could be better with some expanding on. So i've started to go back to it in my free time and jazz it up a little. You can see some of the comparison shots between the original and the remastered version below.

The first obvious change, is the new art style, going for a more hand drawn look as opposed to the simple clean vector look of the original. It also now takes place at night, because everything is creepier at night, everyone knows that.

This shot remains largely unchanged, the person behind the counter has been redesigned, as has the menu behind him. I also decided to drop the third man in the line since he didn't really add anything to the shot, but the composition itself remains largely unchanged.

Once again this shot remains largely unchanged. What I have done is made it look much more like the dirty stained toilet one would expect to find in a McDonalds. The original looks more like something from a hospital.

This shot has gone through a number of changes. While not obvious here, in the original shot everything was static. Now not only does the camera pan but also the man in the background moves around as he gets ready to eat his burger.

This scene went through a large number of changes. The main on being in the original short, its a loop of the man eating his burger. Now this shot was recycled 3 times and increased in speed. To avoid that repetition he now goes through 3 stages of eating, the burger, the fries, and a drink. He also just takes a single bite now as opposed to eating non stop.

So far this shot has been the most heavily modified from the original. The original is far to close to the camera and just looks awkward. This was something that I really wanted to rectify. Once again the dirtiness of the toilet is made more obvious as well. Having the camera peeking over the wall of the stall  also helps make him look more alone.

So thats about it for next week. Next week will probably be filled with images from the new Nimbin/Gerkinman episode. Got to keep jumping back and forth to keep things fresh.

Until next time...

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About This Blog

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Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Daniel Elliott is a contract flash developer, working on flash banner ads, microsites, iOS apps, television animation time lapse photography and music videos. This blog covers all of these areas, as well as the areas of local food and photography.