ANYWAY, It has been a big couple of weeks, let me tell you about them.
Since this is a creative blog, ill only be talking about the creative stuff, that said, I spent a week up on the Northern Rivers, back on my home turf some might say. While I was there I took quite a lot of time lapse and surf footage. I shot quite a lot of time lapse footage at my parents home over the span of two days and spent another full day at Lennox Head filming, I was even lucky enough to catch a storm going by in the distance. The surf footage I took was also from Lennox Head, and while I wasn't doing anything too dangerous most of the time aside from wearing a silly hat...
But when I wasn't standing safely up on nice green grass I was in stupid places like this hoping that a big wave wouldn't come along and bowl me over...
To give you an idea how big that wave was in this photo, im standing on top of a storm water drain that came up at least a meter and a half out of the water. The end result tho, I like to think was worth it, I put together a lot of the footage I took to the song Il Fiore by Trash80.
But thats not all I have done, while I was away I also managed to finish tweaking all 8 of the original 2005 series of Bricks are Fun. So far I have been uploading one a day, and as of today I have 4 more to go. Im happier with some more then others, but obviously since some are funnier then others thats to be expected.
Now that these are finished and out of the way I can get back to focusing on Gerkinman Returns and this months loop.
And thats pretty much it for this week, I leave you now with the track Skyrim Atmospheres which is what im currently listening too, and is 42 minutes of peaceful ambience. For those who have been wondering as well, the title of my blog is always whatever song is playing on my playlist at the time. True story.
And dont forget to follow me on Tumblr. I need the love...
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