Friday, December 9, 2011

The Rainbow Connection

Well, I didn't blog last week. I cant remember why... I remember it being rather chaotic, but not the reasons why... oh well...

This week I remember things tho!

On Tuesday night I went to a special screening of all the final films made by the students doing the Film and Television Tafe course as Swinburne University. That was quite interesting, especially since its a course I am potentially undertaking myself next year. I had my interview for the course yesterday and the teachers seemed impressed with my work which is always nice.

The other thing I saw the following night was a special preview screening of The Adventures of Tin Tin.

When I originally saw the trailer, like most people I was sceptical, and the movie did start a little slow. But  on the whole I ended up really enjoying the film. I also liked the fact that despite it was all motion captured it didn't suffer with that strange "dead eyes" problem a lot of previous mo cap movies have had. It wasn't the greatest movie of the year by any means, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable romp none the less.

As for my own personal projects, its been a busy week again with work and other things, so I havent got any animation work done. But I did find the time to make some cute vector art based around Skyrim! Cute by my works standards at least.

Other then that I booked my tickets to visit my family over the xmas break. Hopefully since I wont have internet or anything I will finally be able to finish Gerkinman Returns with no distractions, but we will have to wait and see...

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About This Blog

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Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Daniel Elliott is a contract flash developer, working on flash banner ads, microsites, iOS apps, television animation time lapse photography and music videos. This blog covers all of these areas, as well as the areas of local food and photography.