Yes, this was my lesson for the week, I thought I might give a bit of the ol' cookin a go. I had some Kangaroo sausages, had some onion, had some eggs and got some bread rolls. Turns out it wasn't such a great idea, for my girlfriend at least. I liked it, but im told I like strange things.
So here is my step by step instructions on making the "Kangaroo Manwhich"
Step 1) Caramelize some onions and fry some eggs.
Step 2) Bust out your weight loss friend Mr George Forman, he can cook like nobodies business, make sure you put some holes in your banger's with a fork first, or else they end up looking like mine, consider yourself warned.
Step 3) Cut some bread rolls down the middle, probably the easiest step.
Step 4) Probably the most important step, cram it all into said bread roll and drench it in BBQ sauce, and that's pretty much it.
Its not for everybody as Kangaroo is quite a strong flavored meat, but there you go.
In other news!
This jeep has a shovel mounted to the front. I didn't get a chance to ask the man why, seemed a little strange to me. Was he a grave digger? Perhaps just wanting to be ready for the inevitable zombie apocalypse? Or maybe even he was just a guy who wanted to stick a shovel on the front of his jeep for the hell of it? I guess we will never know.
Also worth noting is this form of advertising, I know its a little hard to see but its a helicopter flying with a big banner behind it. Ive seen this done with planes in movies but never in real life, least not with a helicopter. What happens if the wind changes? Or it starts to rain? Or storm? Helicopters aren't cheap to run, why would you want to use one for your marketing campaigns, especially when it all depends on the weather?
Last of all, aside from all these fun things, I've had the opportunity to play through Transformers: War for Cybertron.
Its actually the first game I've played from start to finish since Mass Effect 2 hit last year, and I got that game at launch. This game has been out for months. Ive got to say I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The art style was a great ode to Gen 1 of the TV series, all the characters sounded how I remembered them for the most part, and it contained plenty of references to the original series and movie. I was a little saddened by some characters absences like Shockwave and Wheeljack, but it was far from enough to spoil the experience. The gameplay itself felt refined and enjoyable as well, the shooting felt smooth and responsive, the ability to transform at any time really opened things up strategically. But I did have a few niggling issues with the game as well, for one some parts of the game (one in particular) were clearly designed around playing co-op online, and playing these areas of the game solo lead to large difficulty spikes. Also the Decepticon campaign felt more enjoyable then the Autobot one for me, especially with all the scripted events surrounding Omega Supreme which were fantastic. The Decepitcon campaign really built up towards the confrontation where as I felt the ending of the Autobot campaign fell a little flat by comparison. Id easily recommend the game to any 3rd person shooter fan, whether they are a fan of Transformers or not.
The only other note id like to make is I get the net back at my own home on Wednesday. Hurrah!
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