Yes, me and my partner finally have a new home to move into, although we wont be for a number of days yet, this is due to the need for the connection of power and gas to the home, what fun is a home without power? None says I, least not when the sun goes down. But I digress, I shall return to this topic in good time.
Okay, so really, me and my partner did go to a couple more inspections before deciding that we would go with the home that we now have. They were actually on this side of town, which we were rather keen on because its close to the university and the food here is just, well, great. This homes were so close in fact that we walked from where we are currently staying.
I dont really have an explanation for this, it was at a pottery store, a life size green giraffe, or at least what mankind would assume to be life size for a green giraffe, as the creature doesn't exist one can only speculate as to its size.
I also saw some pretty clouds =3
And this old building which was opposite a home we were inspecting, so much character! So pokey looking, but those windows just open it right up. Love the flaking dark paint as well. Reminds me of something out of an old painting.
We also found this awesome crossing button on the walk home, I dont know how old it is but it just looks classy.
Compare that with this, the cold hearted and boring design of modern society with a giant button as if to say "you clearly dont know what your doing, you should walk this way!"
I also found this mother at the local 7eleven to be a wee bit over priced, $4.80 indeed, what do they take me for? Wait, hang on a second... that says $48.00! Those are some good margins!
As mentioned earlier there is some great food in this area, this however is not food, its a soft drink, from Japan. Whats up with the marble in the top section? I had no idea what I was doing when I "opened" this bottle and still to this day dont know if I was doing it correctly.
This was at Shuji Sushi again by the way, amazing bento boxes for $10.90, unbelievable value, I should be getting paid for this blog post, maybe I could ask them about doing some marketing online for them? ha ha...
Yesterday we also ventured to the Pancake Parlour in the CBD, now ive been to the one in Brisbane CBD a number of times and never come away feeling like I got what I paid for.
I came away from the one here in Melbourne feeling like I had committed crimes against humanity, or at least my stomach. So much food, but ever so good.
They also had these funky balls... thats all im saying.
We were welcomed home by this lovely sunset. Awww.
So that brings us to today, the day we went and picked up our keys to our new home.
I saw this sign while we were waiting for the train, something about it, just cracks me up, I think perhaps it should have been two separate signs? Almost looks like they want to deter people from people feeding the birds cigarettes. Just saying.
Eventually after signing several thousand documents we got the keys to our new house. It was much easier to take photos now that there is nobody moving out.
The back yard once again, nice and green, im a bit iffy on the BBQ by the shed, im going to try to get it going but I make no promises.
The kitchen has recently been redone and is quite frankly brilliant. Also comes with a heater for those cold winters nights, I hear it gets quite chilly in these parts around winter time.
This is the lounge room, which we are thinking of using for a bedroom since it has a set of doors and a heater, no heating in any of the real bed rooms. Its unorthodox but we are going to give it a whirl anyway, with plans to use one of the bedrooms as studio and the other as a designated home theater.
This place also has a heap of stain glass out the front which I absolutely love.
This is looking from the lounge room into the bed room and back again, just to give a sense of size to this place, which is massive.
And heres some pretty leaves so your eyes can take a break from all the brown and white.
Lastly worth noting is that on the way home there were some "storms'a'brewin".
These of course lead to flash flooding which you can read all about here.
Ironically we left Brisbane thinking we were getting away from all this... ha ha
I wish I had more to post on my iOS app but between moving and looking for work I havent been able to spend the time I would like on it, so hopefully I will have something to show for myself next time. I also need to change that header, looks awful...
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