In other news, next week I have a 2 day trial at , this is to see how well I blend into there workforce and also to see just how well I go creating banner ads from scratch. I already did one trial banner, and it was a little jarring at first, with assets that didn't particularly lend themselves to the dimensions (300x600 and 728x90) that were required. After a couple of hours it all seemed to work out, I dont know if it was just my brain getting back into the zone it used to be in permanently years ago when I was working in banners full time, or if I was just being a drama queen and thought it was harder than it actually was, but I was happy with the end result. I was also struggling with some of Flash CS5's new features, mainly text indenting, turns out I wont be able to use it in ads anyway because AS2 is still the standard for web banners, looks like i'll have to stick to the good old space bar for a while yet.
Thats really about all for now. More as it comes.
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