I also had my cousins wedding last weekend, it was great catching up with all my family again. Should have taken some pictures of Newcastle while I was there, it holds NSW largest KFC, it looks like a shopping center.
On the down side, what this all means is that I haven't had a chance to update The Telescope since my last update, so instead here's a bunch of photos of insects and spiders I've taken over the last couple of weeks.
This here is a Mayfly, I haven't seen many around the last week or so, from memory they have a really short life span.
And here is a decent sized Dragonfly, I found it in a web outside the window of my office. I untangled him and tried to set him free, but his wings were too damaged from struggling in the web for him to fly, I felt quite sad for him... or her...
This is the spider who's web ruined said Dragonfly. What sucked most about the whole thing was that it had happened during the day, so the spider wouldn't even come out and put the thing out of its misery.
And while I'm on the topic of spiders, I found these two separate huntsman shells on the front veranda. If you look closely you can see that both are missing the abdomens. No idea what happened to them, or how they got here.
This is just a spotty moth, nothing all that exciting really.
Recently the weather has been quite wet, so all the millipedes have come out of hiding, normally you can find slugs on a nightly basis at this place, but this is the first time I've seen millipedes here.
Lastly, the other night on the way home from the cinema (which I will get too soon) my girlfriend pointed out to me something odd buzzing around the flowers. It looked allot like a hummingbird, and turns out she wasn't far off.
Apparently they are often called hummingbird hawk moths, because having one birds name in your title isn't enough for these insatiable moths. Was fascinating to watch, and really hard to photograph because they moved so much, and so unpredictably.
Aside from these insect photos all I have really taken lately are just a couple more shots of.. well, Melbourne.
These were taken just outside of my new work office. Pretty nice area actually, some great shops in the area.
I can't remember where I took this, but it has the moon in it, so that's cool I guess?
This motorcycle was parked outside of Flinders Station, now I'm no expert, but that looks pretty well mostly hand made, right down to the oil leaks... The welding marks on the tank gave it a lot of character, or at least I thought they did.
Also, one afternoon walking my friend Felix home from the city with partner after... coffee and cakes I believe, we found this large umbrella hanging in the power lines. You don't seen that every day.
But yes, the cinema.
I'm sure many of you have already seen this film, or at least read a lot about it. Personally, I loved it. The animation was gorgeous, the voice acting was great, I didn't have any problems with the pacing, which I have heard some people complain about. Ive also heard people complain about the character designs being to ugly, personally I thought they looked more rugged and worn then ugly, and each one was just bursting with personality. It also had an amazing score which I need to look into. Honestly, the film goes so hard against the grain of modern animated movies that I'm surprised it exists.
Also, after all the Oscar buzz and hype I finally got around to seeing
I enjoyed it a lot as well, once I got my head around the way it was edited. I guess I'm so used to American movies treating me like I have the IQ of a mango that the way the movie jumps back and forth between the past, and two separate court cases in the present disorientated me, after my brain got around that fact tho it all came together.
The acting was great for the most part, the twins were a bit iffy. It used CG in a way, well, I didn't even know about it until I started watching the special features. It was definitely used in a subtle way that enhanced the movie, which is how CG should be used. It also had some fantastic dialogue and one liners. All in all, much I highly recommend it.
That's about it for now, I have a back catalog of Blu Rays I need to get through, and will no doubt leave thoughts on here. Those been Moon, Escape from New York, Fantasia, No Country for Old Men and Kick Ass.
Hopefully in my next update I will get to include some new screens from The Telescope too, wouldn't that be nice.
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