Friday, November 11, 2011


Boy oh boy, what a week. As I mentioned last week I was heading up to the Northern Rivers to visit family on the weekend. And I did, but before I divulge into that, heres a video my partner Maya put together for a uni assignment, starring yours truly. Its about dressing for weather in Melbourne.

So, without going to much into the trip I had, We went through Nimbin, and since thats the series im wanting to bring back next year I thought I should do a bit of a post about it.

These here are the Nimbin Rocks, and really, they are the only things from Nimbin that have ever actually made there way into any of the flash episodes or illustrations. 

When you finally make it out of the hills and closer to the town this is the sign that greats you. You will find these signs all over the Northern Rivers.

These shots give you a bit of an idea of what the main st of Nimbin is like. Its something I always wanted to include in the original series but never got to, but you will be seeing it frequently in the new season. As you can see from the photos it is a colourful place, which ties nicely into my art style.

Of course the other thing Nimbin is famous for is its ties to Marijuana. There is no shortage of memorabilia and other things over town, from Mardigrass posters to paintings and photos of local super hero "The Plantem". I wonder if "The Plantem" and Gerkinman would get along...

This is a sign that was originally used in the 1973 Aquarius festival. Its been restored obviously. I still find it to be an interesting piece of history.

There is also an interesting museum that covers the history of the town from way back when Dinosaurs ruled the crops to now. The amount of work thats gone into this alternate museum is quite astounding.

The town is also home to some of the regions most colourful vehicles. The original Nimbin idea (Back when it was called Teenage Mutant Ninja Ferals - ferals being the sort of people that inhabit Nimbin, the ones that aren't hippies anyway.) had the crew driving around in a colourful bus, maybe its time to bring that back.

Its also a great place to go for novelty hats. If you are into that sort of thing anyway.

Lastly I leave you with the Nimbin Bush Theatre. A building that was once an old flour mill repurposed as a cinema. I went with my dad to this place  a number of times to see foreign films, it really is a great venue, as far as atmosphere is concerned anyway. If I get the feature film made after these 10 episodes, this is where im going to want to premier it.

Next week hopefully I will have some animation and illustrations up, but until then...

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About This Blog

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Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Daniel Elliott is a contract flash developer, working on flash banner ads, microsites, iOS apps, television animation time lapse photography and music videos. This blog covers all of these areas, as well as the areas of local food and photography.