Saturday, November 5, 2011

Keeping things short this week

Yes, not a whole lot to talk about this week. I guess the main things are that I re-released my 2008 short film "Spaceman Bob and the Time Apple" in HD on both Youtube and Vimeo. You can find each of them below respectively.

I may record a commentary track for the short down the line. The actual upscaling to HD was a pretty simple process thanks to the simplicity of the animation, and I only did some minor updates (Most noticeably the splash when Bob jumps into the water). I had considered doing a similar thing to some of my other older shorts, but they would require much more reanimating in order to fit the 720p video resolution. So we will see what happens.

The other big news is that tomorrow I am flying back home with my partner to the Northern Rivers to visit family. While I am away I will be taking a lot of reference video at Lennox Head, Rock Valley and most importantly Nimbin, to use in the new Nimbin series. I also hope to use the video from Nimbin in the first episode as an introduction to the town. So we will see what happens. I arrive back on Monday, then I am freelancing at Hubink on Tuesday and Wednesday. That leaves me with Thursday to get some animation work (most likely this months loop) done as once Skyrim hits next Friday... finding the will to animate will be much harder...

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About This Blog

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Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Daniel Elliott is a contract flash developer, working on flash banner ads, microsites, iOS apps, television animation time lapse photography and music videos. This blog covers all of these areas, as well as the areas of local food and photography.